Security Camera

Advantages Of Using Surveillance Cameras

Advantages of using surveillance cameras

Advantages of using surveillance cameras.


1. Deterrent effect
This is the biggest and most obvious benefit of installing surveillance cameras. If you are having problems related to theft, punctuality, or productivity, surveillance cameras can provide the solutions. It prevents your home and office from becoming easy targets.

2. monitor scenarios and activities
Surveillance cameras are extremely useful as they allow you to monitor the activities of people visiting your home and office, as well as their comings and goings to those places. This is a great way to detect suspicious people and keep an eye on their activities. What’s more, you can remotely monitor your home and office by mobile phone anytime, anywhere.

3. collect evidence
Having cameras installed in strategic locations comes in handy when you need to monitor the actions and words of people or during an event. The clear images coupled with flawless sound make them more effective than ever at recording a series of happenings.

4. arrive at the right decisions
Surveillance camera footage can help you make correct and fair decisions when resolving disputes in both home and business scenarios. Whether he’s dealing with a situation involving disagreements within your family, among your employees, or between a customer and your service personnel, your doubts can be laid to rest with the help of your camera.

5. Keep records
The monitoring system supports records 24 hours/7 days. So you must know something that happened outside your home or office about a fortnight ago and curiosity is getting the best of you. You can turn it off by simply searching our security documents. Cameras, record and document everything they see systematically, i.e. according to the date and time of the event.

1. Privacy issue
There have been some instances in the past where a large number of surveillance cameras have been attacked by hackers. Also, there have been instances where employees have objected to being under constant surveillance without their permission and citing “invasion of privacy” as the reason. A few are also taking legal action against their employers in this regard.

  1. It’s an Expensive Affair
    A small surveillance system is going to cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars depending on the features and number of cameras and surveillance systems you purchase.

    3. they may be vulnerable
    A clever intruder will probably know all about them and may have found a way to avoid detection. Additionally, savvy criminals might have figured out the technology and worked out ways to disable\/unplug them from their power source. Also, if it detects your cameras like
    In the worst case, hackers can wreak havoc with your security camera system using the internet and use them to spy on you instead. This makes security cameras vulnerable to damage and/or misuse.


  1. Can’t Stop Theft or Crime
    Cameras allow users to save images for later viewing and to help catch criminals and receive justice from the law. They cannot, however, stop a crime while it is in progress. Even, if it can’t stop crime, it will help to reduce the instances of crime. People will be more vigilant and cautious. Criminals will think twice before entering.



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