
Biggest Advantages Of Home Network Cabling

Residential structured cabling is a way to standardize your home’s cables, connections, and devices for better network performance. Discover the biggest benefits of having a structured network

Structured cabling is the standardization of cables, connections and devices with the aim of bringing together diverse communication systems into a single physical structure.

In this case, we are talking about connecting functions such as video, voice and data. This information is unified and transmitted through the same infrastructure, easily accessible from a central panel.

Structured cabling is also known as network cabling or structured network, precisely because it is a way of standardizing a network through the organization of its cables.

And this organization and centralization of the network has numerous advantages. Discover and understand the main ones:


  1. Improves network performance

As we said, network cabling organizes the signs of your home or business, connecting previously separate functions. We are talking about transmitting video (like TV), voice (like telephony) and data (like the internet) on a single network.

Correct cabling distribution offers great stability in transmission rates and free data flow, avoiding congestion. Therefore, the structured network has a much higher performance than an unstructured network.

Let’s use the internet as an example: you’ve probably had connection problems, either when trying to access the internet in environments far from a router, or when connecting different devices to the same network.

It’s not always a matter of having a more powerful signal – most of the time, it’s just a matter of getting that signal where it needs to go, which makes the network much more comprehensive and offers quality internet for all environments and devices.


  1. Avoid failures

A well-planned and installed structured cabling system can prevent most network problems, many of which are caused by excess or lack of wires.

From bad cable contact to connector damage and bad internet signal, the standardization and correct distribution of structured cabling eliminates these difficulties and guarantees an excellent quality network with very low chance of errors.


  1. Facilitates maintenance

We explain here that structured cabling unites different services in the same system, that is, data, videos and voice. This centralization is also why it is so easy to maintain a structured network.

Try to solve a problem amidst the chaos of wires and devices. Now, try to solve an issue by accessing an organized and unified dashboard.

This not only makes it easier to identify errors, it requires fewer people to manage the network, making maintenance faster and more efficient.


  1. Facilitates the installation and adoption of new technologies

Any home or business has experienced this: the need to change a telephone extension or a data port, or to add new video, data and voice points.

One of the great advantages of structured cabling is that the infrastructure is always ready to receive new installations , without the need for renovation or headache.

Not only does the structured network support future applications and an increase in data traffic, but it is even capable of adapting to new technologies, so there is no need to worry about the infrastructure being outdated in a short time.


  1. Improves the look of the environment

Another advantage of structured cabling is aesthetics. Few things are as ugly in this life as a messy bun of cables, right?

This visual pollution is eliminated with a structured network. Not only does the environment become more pleasant – and it makes a good impression on the organization -, but the benefits go beyond appearance since the chaos of wires can also cause accidents.


  1. Increases infrastructure life

Since structured cabling is robust, its maintenance is simple, and it withstands increasing demand over time, its lifespan is excellent.


  1. Saves money and is excellent value for money

Designing your home or business with a network structure is one of the best investments you can make.

It isn’t easy to estimate the average price of a structured cabling project because the value varies greatly depending on the size of the house, the infrastructure and the technology used.

In the case of a 300m² residence, for example, it is possible to spend around R$15 thousand on a project that includes the entire router system, Wi-Fi antennas and remote support.

Remote support is what allows you to access the network remotely if you want the company’s technicians to be able to solve a problem for you quickly, such as slow internet on a specific device or smartphone.

Even if certain projects seem expensive at first glance, since they are able to prevent damage to the network, eliminate the need for upgrades and new infrastructure, and reduce maintenance costs, the return obtained is certainly worth the investment.

Tips for hiring a structured cabling company

While structured cabling has numerous advantages, it is important to remember that you will only get them if you do the project with experienced and accredited professionals.

Structured cabling requires proper planning and installation, or you may not get the result you expect.

Look for professionals registered with the Regional Council of Engineering, Architecture and Agronomy (CREA) and ask if they have a certificate of technical capacity to implement the necessary infrastructure.

Another tip is to question whether the company has certifications issued by the manufacturers of the equipment that will be used.

All these guarantees that the project will be carried out and implemented by a qualified team.

If You are living in Southern California Contact STARLIGHT to discuss your needs, We would be happy to propose a solution

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