Security Camera

Security Cameras for Businesses Newport Beach

Security Cameras for Businesses Newport Beach

Burglaries and thefts are numerous in the U.S  and you might seek an absolute experienced and elite team for Security Cameras for Businesses In Newport Beach and through Southern California. Business Surveillance Cameras Installation in Newport Beach is our essential job.

STRAIGHT will set up your camera systems by a highly skilled and very well trained security specialist team at very competitive prices with almost a decade of experience and numerous home and business installations.

Our security camera products are very efficient. They are resistant to shocks, heat and extreme cold. The cameras film in high definition and are also efficient at night thanks to the infra-red LED.

  • The request for an estimated price for the installation of security cameras, video surveillance troubleshooting and rental is free. Trust our installers to ensure a perfect follow-up and installation of your protection systems.

Contact Us For Security Cameras for Businesses In Newport Beach :


Is your site’s monitoring and security system effective?

The success of civil construction works is not only related to the experience and professionalism of the engineer and the team responsible for the project. Despite this, many managers end up paying attention only to the technical part of the project and forget that a monitoring and security system is also essential to guarantee the correct progress of the work.

With the incidence of robberies in works, betting on monitoring and security equipment can avoid major financial losses, in addition to helping the manager to manage the project with agility and assertiveness. However, you must keep in mind that to achieve these goals it is important that the system is really efficient and can meet the main needs of different types of work.

In this article, we will present some of the main benefits that prove the effectiveness of monitoring and safety systems for civil construction works. Follow up!


Does the system you use to save time? With so many tasks and services to be performed on a job site, wasting time monitoring site security can compromise progress and even disrupt workflow. The most modern systems allow you to monitor the construction site remotely with just a few clicks on your electronic device, avoiding the need to be present on-site and ensuring much more time savings during your routine.

Monitoring of the work

Monitoring the work using spreadsheets and other manual processes wastes time and also runs the risk of human error. With an efficient system, it is possible to monitor and measure the progress of activities and schedules with total precision and agility. In this way, the manager can monitor the work in real-time and optimize activities that are late or need special attention, for example.

asset protection

Really efficient systems guarantee a high level of safety at the construction site and optimize the property’s property protection. For this, the monitoring system must be able to reach even areas that are difficult to access, in addition to having a team that monitors the cameras 24 hours a day. Thus, it is much easier to prevent theft and identify individuals, in case any criminal activity takes place on the spot.

Increased productivity

Does the system you use to reflect on increased productivity? With 24-hour management provided by high-quality equipment, it is possible to optimize various processes and ensure effective control over the entire work. Consequently, there is a gain in productivity that allows the manager to meet the delivery deadline and carry out the work with all the necessary safety and quality.

Remote access

As mentioned in the first topic, efficient monitoring systems allow the manager to follow the work through the cell phone screen. This is reflected, above all, in cost reduction and time savings in the work routine. If the manager is not able to be on the job site at a given time, the system allows him to monitor the processes wherever he is and whenever he wants, and he only needs to be connected to the internet. In addition, it is possible to have quick and practical access to the requested images, solving a given problem much more quickly.

Do you want to guarantee all these benefits for your work? SAM offers autonomous monitoring systems with total efficiency and quality to monitor different types of works. Discover our solutions and find out how we can help you!


6 advantages of investing in monitoring systems


Security is a basic human need. In addition to homes, it has become a necessity to get good corporate monitoring systems to keep vehicles, businesses, and items safe.

Peace of mind is the main reason to invest in a security system. It is essential to know that our family and our assets are safe, whether we are at home or at work. There are many doubts about investing or not in monitoring systems. We will show in this post 6 advantages to invest.

Reduced risk of a break-in

When we think about security, break-ins are the first actions that come to mind. According to statistics, homes and commercial establishments without monitoring systems are three times more likely to be invaded. Do you want to protect your family? Your goods? Your enterprise? Invest in burglary prevention with monitoring systems.

Decrease in recidivism

Break-ins are taking place in increasing numbers and in a more qualified way. You may have already been the victim of a break-in. Your business establishment may have been robbed. If so, the chance of a recurrence is much higher, as the bad guys know that you needed to replace the stolen items with new ones. Plus, they’ve already managed it once. Why not try again? Therefore, investing in monitoring systems is a good option.

Freedom to stay or leave the house

With increasingly modern monitoring systems, you don’t have to worry about going out and you can keep your peace of mind at home and in your business establishment. You can travel for pleasure or business. You don’t need to be there to be safe. Have you ever heard of corporate monitoring? It’s a good choice for your establishment.

Insurance cost reduction

If you have an electronic monitoring system, insurers will offer 20% to 30% discounts when taking out a new policy. This shows that the purchase of this equipment is a great investment.

Prevention against accident and fire risks

One of the common accidents is carbon monoxide poisoning, that is, the gas released by combustion. This gas can lead to death from suffocation. By having electronic security and monitoring systems in place, you will be secure in this regard. House fires are also commonplace. The service will notify you and your family of any outbreak of fire as well as the security centre. In these situations, time is precious to concentrate and evacuate.

Agility in the emergency resolution

You have to think about all the possibilities. Your most precious asset, for sure, is your life, that of your family members and your company. Preserving life is paramount. With monitoring systems, you can have a panic button. It will be hidden somewhere in your house. This way, you and your family will be able to trigger it at the signal of the smallest emergency.

Did you like our tips? Still, having doubts? We can answer them for you, just leave your comment. We have listed 6 of the numerous advantages of purchasing security systems, always remember: it never hurts to invest in your family and property security.


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